Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

Stunning photo essay explores the asylum seeker experience

29 August 20240 comments

A stunning new photo exhibition charts the journey of an asylum seeker from Afghanistan over two years and across three continents.

Photojournalist Barat Ali Batoor has recorded his… Read Full Article

Helping refugees find their first homes in Australia

22 August 20240 comments

Her own family’s story of displacement has driven Lena Torus’ passion to help refugees find their first homes in Australia.

Lena is a Senior Client Manager with the… Read Full Article

Lantern festival lights up multicultural Melbourne

21 August 20240 comments

A Melbourne winter night was lit up this month by a vibrant multicultural lantern festival.

The inaugural ‘Luminous Festival’ took to the streets around the Queen Victoria Market… Read Full Article

Afghan refugees in Australia win the lottery of life – By Jalal Ahmadzai

1 August 20240 comments

I was one of more than 120,000 Afghans evacuated from Kabul in August 2021 when the government of Afghanistan – backed for two decades by western nations,… Read Full Article

Migrant soccer coach ‘bending it like Beckham’

31 July 20240 comments

Palwashi Aslami has an abiding passion to encourage women and girls from culturally diverse communities, especially those from her own Afghan community, to play sport.

As an Under-14… Read Full Article

Vale Stefan Romaniw

23 July 20240 comments

Australia has farewelled Stefan Romaniw, one of the nation’s multicultural champions, in an emotional and moving state funeral.

Mr Romaniw, 68, was a prominent Ukrainian community leader and… Read Full Article

- February 2017

February 2017

Blood feuds, battles and bandits – a refugee’s journey

24 February 20174 comments

Unlike the armed-to-the-teeth Australian soldiers alongside him, young Afghan Nabi went into combat wielding only his...

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Lessons from Gambia

24 February 20170 comments

It could prove to be a seminal moment in the history of African democracy and development. Last month Gambia’s...

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From bandrooms to boardrooms

24 February 20170 comments

Stuart Crosby is not your average business leader. A captain of the financial services industry who professes progressive...

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Refugee caste system playing favourites

24 February 20171 comment

As the world lurches from one conflict or crisis to another, a caste system among refugees is emerging which sees...

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