Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

Opinion – Debunking the myth of migrants stealing jobs

3 October 20240 comments

Cath Scarth, CEO of AMES Australia

Among the plethora of false claims uttered by former US President Donald Trump during his recent debate with Vice President Kamela Harris… Read Full Article

Family who are three-time refugees escape statelessness

3 October 20240 comments

Rami Hussein is one of about four-and-a-half million people across the globe who have, or are, enduring statelessness.

Rami’s father fled Palestine during the 1948 was when Zionist… Read Full Article

CALD women at the bottom of the workplace equity ladder

3 October 20240 comments

Women from culturally diverse communities are at the most disadvantaged when it comes to workplace equity and the gender pay gap, new research reveals.

They are more likely… Read Full Article

Three decades of selfless volunteering

3 October 20240 comments

For 27 years Jim Revell has quietly been making a difference in the lives of thousands of migrants and refugees newly arrived in Australia.

His work as a… Read Full Article

Stunning photo essay explores the asylum seeker experience

29 August 20240 comments

A stunning new photo exhibition charts the journey of an asylum seeker from Afghanistan over two years and across three continents.

Photojournalist Barat Ali Batoor has recorded his… Read Full Article

Helping refugees find their first homes in Australia

22 August 20240 comments

Her own family’s story of displacement has driven Lena Torus’ passion to help refugees find their first homes in Australia.

Lena is a Senior Client Manager with the… Read Full Article

- December 1999

December 2013

Energy efficiency saves money and promotes well-being

5 December 20130 comments

Cutting energy bills can improve the home comfort, health and well-being of low income families, according to new research....

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November 2013

Offshore detention costs rising: hearing (Nine News)

19 November 20130 comments

The cost of detaining asylum seekers in Australia’s Nauru and Manus Island detention centres is set to blow out...

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Australian commander reveals no boats purchased under Operation Sovereign Borders (BBC News)

19 November 20130 comments

The military commander in charge of the operation to stop asylum seeker boats has revealed that not one boat has...

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Spying revelations not helpful for Government seeking Indonesia’s help on asylum seekers (ABC – North Coast)

18 November 20130 comments

The spying revelations could not come at a worse time for the Coalition Government, and the issue is likely to...

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