Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

Vale Stefan Romaniw

23 July 20240 comments

Australia has farewelled Stefan Romaniw, one of the nation’s multicultural champions, in an emotional and moving state funeral.

Mr Romaniw, 68, was a prominent Ukrainian community leader and… Read Full Article

Palestinian family seeking new life

23 July 20240 comments

For five months Eyad Almasri and his family survived bombs, forced displacement, a lack of food and water, poor hygiene and the deaths of family and friends.

The… Read Full Article

Better harnessing migrants’ skills could add $10billion to Australia’s economy

28 June 20240 comments

Better utilising the skills and experience migrant and refugees bring with them could benefit Australia’s economy by as much as $10 billion over five years, according to… Read Full Article

Taking on Southeast Asia’s scam gangs

28 June 20240 comments

For almost ten years, Saw Thura* has been one of a loose band of people and agencies fighting to expose a little-known but growing human rights crisis… Read Full Article

Refugee Week marked as displaced numbers hit 120 million

18 June 20240 comments

Continuing conflicts in Gaza and Sudan have seen a record-breaking 120 million people forced to flee their homes by war, violence and persecution.

The number represents the 12th… Read Full Article

Diverse communities missing out on gender violence support – study

6 June 20240 comments

Emerging refugee and migrant communities in Australia are being left behind when it comes to resources to tackle the scourge of gender-based violence, a survey of community… Read Full Article

Lead story

May 2024

Safe space created for Melbourne’s gig workers

1 May 20240 comments

They are the forgotten people of cities around the world – gig workers and delivery drivers who go about their...

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April 2024

Reflections on my homeland

18 April 20240 comments

I have been living permanently in Melbourne for the past 20 years and in 2023 my family and I decided...

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Sun shines finally on Persian chef

18 April 20240 comments

Twelve years after he fled Iran in fear of his life Melbourne chef and humanitarian Hamed Allahyari can now call...

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March 2024

Gift of food and friendship helping families settle in Mildura

14 March 20240 comments

An innovative new project is connecting Congolese and Burundian families newly arrived in Mildura with members of the...

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