Adam Goodes again in the forefront of fight against racism
Australian of the Year Adam Goodes features in a new video clip urging Australians to take a stand against racism and speak out when they hear racist comments.
The AFL legend features in a Community Service Announcement (CSA) developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission.
The 30-second video clip is part of the Human Rights Commission’s ‘Racism. It Stops With Me’ campaign.
Mr Goodes was again racially abused this month. The incident followed an incident last year when a 13-year-old girl called him “an ape’.
Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane said the CSA will remind Australians that they can stand up to racism, wherever it happens.
“Our ambassador for the Racism. It Stops With Me campaign, Adam Goodes, communicates our message with a great deal of character and integrity,” he said.
“Adam has stood up to racism and spoken about it honestly. These are the qualities we want to promote in our conversations about racism. We want people to be comfortable about calling out racism when it happens, and to have honest conversations about it,” Dr Soutphommasane said.
Recent examples of racial vilification at sporting events and online are reminders of the enormous challenges that exist in combatting racism, Dr Soutphommasane said.
“We cannot be complacent,” he said. “Racism hurts. It wounds its targets and makes people feel they are second class citizens. We have to keep reminding people that racism still occurs and we need to respond to it.”