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Flipping the classroom on its head

27 May 20160 comments

A ‘flipped classroom’ approach to teaching English as a second language is achieving significant success at language school in the Middle East, according to new research.

US-born educator Rashenah Walker has implemented a ‘flipped classroom’ program at schools in Dubai with improved results in literacy take up.

The ‘flipped classroom’ constitutes a reversal of traditional teaching methods where students gain first hand exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture videos.

Class time is then used to do the harder work of assimilating that knowledge through strategies such as problem-solving, discussion or debates.

Ms Walker told the EduTech conference in Brisbane last month that over a 12 week period 70 per cent of her students saw a 10 – 12 per cent increase in literacy and another 30 per cent saw an increase of 6 – 9 per cent.

flipped-classroom“I found that the ‘flipped classroom’ is a primary method to implement a system to improve students English language skills working in a relaxed, comfortable environment,” she said.

“We instituted a regime where students would view videos before class. These videos are detailed outlines of lessons incorporating visual processes, examples and other materials.

“A post-test follows the video to assess comprehension and during the class the teacher facilitates learning by encouraging discussion, activities and student discovery,” Ms Walker said.

She said she used free apps in lesson, including Doceri, Educreations, Puppet pals, Storyrobe and Sparklefish.

Ms Walker said the flipped classroom intentionally shifted instruction to a learner-centered model in which class time explores topics in greater depth and creates meaningful learning opportunities.

“While educational technologies such as online videos are used to deliver content outside of the classroom, in a flipped classroom, content delivery may take a variety of forms, she said.

Ms Walker said video lessons led to online and class-based collaborative discussions, digital research, and text readings.

She said flipped classrooms also redefined in-class activities.

“In-class lessons accompanying flipped classroom may include activity learning or more traditional homework problems,”Ms Walker said.

She said class activities may vary but could include document analysis, debate or speech presentation, project-based learning, and skill development or concept practice.

“Because these types of active learning allow for highly differentiated instruction, more time can be spent in class on higher-order thinking skills such as problem-finding and collaboration.


Laurie Nowell
AMES Australia Senior Journalist