Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

UNHCR launches campaign to protect asylum rights

22 September 20230 comments

The United Nations’ refugee agency UNHCR has launched a campaign to protect the right of people to seek asylum across the globe without discrimination.

The ‘Hope Away from Home’ campaign has established five key asks of nation states with support from UNHCR and its partners, to amend policies and introduce new practices so that all people fleeing war, violence and persecution can find, and live, in safety without discrimination.

UNHCR is calling on nations to provide:  access to safe territory and preventing people from facing violence or dying along the routes; adequate conditions and treatment for refugees in line with human rights, dignity and inclusion; accession to the Refugee Convention, lifting reservations and establishing efficient asylum procedures; increased access to durable solutions, including resettlement, and; solidarity and support to countries and communities hosting large refugee populations.

The three year campaign is calling for urgent, global solidarity and action to help protect the right to seek asylum for everyone, everywhere, without discrimination.

“Today, a record number of people have been forced to flee their homes due to wars, violence and persecution. The total number of refugees worldwide rose by a record 35 per cent to reach 34.6 million at the end of 2022,” UNHCR said in a statement.

“We are witnessing rising hostility and xenophobia. The politicization of refugees and asylum seekers in many parts of the world is leading to more negative sentiment and harmful consequences for refugees and asylum seekers,” it said.

“Together we must challenge this narrative and promote a more compassionate world towards refugees and people seeking safety from wars, violence and persecution.

“We cannot do it alone. You too can make a difference. Urge global leaders to uphold their moral and legal obligations to help ensure people seeking asylum from war, violence or persecution, can do so without discrimination

“Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum. But for many people in many parts of the world this right is under threat. Solidarity with all refugees, everywhere, is needed more than ever to defend and uphold this right,” UNHCR said.

UNHCR is asking everyone to stand in solidarity with people forced to flee and take action to give hope, protection and safeguard their rights.

It is targeting the December Global Refugee Forum on Switzerland as a chance to advocate and lobby word leaders for change and to find solutions for refugees and people displaced from their homes.

“It’s not just a meeting for them: it’s a chance for all of society and you, too, to show your solidarity and urge leaders to uphold their legal and moral obligations for everyone forced to flee their homes,” UNHCR said.

“Sign our petition now so that we can take your message to world leaders at December’s Global Refugee Forum and show them that compassion and humanity are stronger than fear and suspicion. With your voice added in solidarity, change is more possible.”

Sign the petition here: Sign the petition – Hope away from Home – UNHCR