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Work needed on family violence in CALD communities

18 May 20160 comments

Violence against women is acknowledged as a prevalent and serious issue in our society and there is growing evidence that family violence is also an increasing issue among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

During May – Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month –a range of community groups are highlighting the work being done to combat the prevalence and effects of this violence.

The month is an annual event held to raise community awareness of the social and personal impacts of domestic and family violence and the support available to those affected.

Australia’s commitment to prevent violence against women is encapsulated in the National plan to prevent violence against women and their children 2010–2022, to which all state and territory governments are signatories.

Australia was the first country to develop a comprehensive approach to prevent violence against women, with the Australian Government establishing two new centres to support the implementation of this plan: Our Watch and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety.

The prevention of family violence has focused largely on the community as a whole, with minimal attention being paid to addressing factors relevant to particular groups, according to family violence expert Lyn Walker.Lyn Walker

“The risk of such ‘universal’ approaches – when not accompanied by efforts to tailor strategies to the needs and contexts of particular groups – is that the gains made in prevention may not be shared equally,” Ms Walker said.

She said that more work to address family violence in CALD communities was needed and in the development of the National Plan, two challenges were identified.

The first of these was the need to strengthen commitment to the primary prevention of violence against women. The second was ensuring that efforts in primary prevention are extended to meet the needs of specific sub-populations, including (CALD) communities.

Almost half of Australians were either born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics data.

“We are a nation proud of our cultural diversity and have developed legislation and policies to ensure that all citizens are provided with equal opportunities, rights and entitlements,” Ms Walker said.

“Among these is the right of women to live free from violence and the fear of violence. Extending efforts to preventing family violence in CALD communities is critical to ensuring that this right is realised,” she said.

The key aims of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month are to: raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and its impacts; promote a clear message of no tolerance of domestic and family violence; and, ensure those who are experiencing domestic and family violence know how to access help and support.

It is also to encourage people who use abuse and/or violence to take responsibility for their abusive behaviour and seek support to change.



Laurie Nowell
AMES Australia Senior Journalist