Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

AMES artwork exhibited

10 January 20140 comments

artwork-pic1-resizedArtworks and photographs by AMES students have gone on display at the Splash Gallery in Footscray.

The art and photography was created as part of the recent Big West arts festival.

One group of students learned embroidery skills and created a giant kite made from embroidered fabric.

“The class had fun learning embroidery and fabric skills and the kite we built looked fantastic,” said AMES teacher Jenny Gherxi.

Another group were taught photographic skills and produced pictures showing their impressions of Australian and their personal journeys.

AMES teacher Sue Hume said the students enjoyed learning photography skills.

“They were taught about foreground and background and light and shade and they used their phones and iPads to produce an amazing array of photos,” Sue said.

Splash Gallery is part of the Phoenix Youth Centre on Buckley Street, Footscray.

The Big West Festival is the leading community-based, contemporary arts festival in Melbourne’s West.

For more information on this story contact Margot Hennessy on: 03 8558 8800.