Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

AMES clients seeking jobs as PSOs

18 October 20130 comments

PSOs pic2x400pixAMES is holding a course for young men from CALD backgrounds seeking to get jobs as Protective Services Officers (PSOs).

The eight-week course will prepare the men for the VET assessment test they need to pass to be able to apply for positions as PSOs.

The course teaches verbal and abstract reasoning, English, spelling, writing and numerical reasoning.

Twenty candidates have signed up for the course held once a week at Flagstaff.

“The State Government is looking to hire more PSOs and they want to include people from CALD background among them,” said AMES Employment Pathways Manager Sally Hearn.

“We are pleased to be able to help some of our clients apply for these jobs,” Sally said.

For more information about this course, please contact Sally Hearn on (03) 9938 4667.