Compelling news from the refugee and migrant sector

Settlement forum builds bridges among service providers

21 March 20140 comments
HSS Forumx400More than twenty service providers and twenty representatives from the new commonwealth Department of Social Services attended a settlement forum hosted this week by AMES.

The forum was aimed at building connections among Humanitarian Settlement Services (HSS) and Settlement Grants Program (SGP) providers.

Titled, ‘Together We Can’, the forum was a valuable opportunity for providers to gain an understanding of the newly-formed department, learn from clients and discuss collaborative approaches between service providers in supporting various client cohorts.

The event was organised by AMES Program Coordinator, Settlement, Teresa Lee and included presentations, client stories and breakout discussions.

“The forum was a great success. The feedback we got was very positive, especially about its value to participants; and it was a great team effort in staging the event at the Multicultural Hub,” Teresa said.